Cost of Outsourcing Bookkeeping Services

How Much Does It Cost to Outsource Bookkeeping in 2024?  

Outsourcing bookkeeping has appeared as a strategic move for businesses seeking to optimize their financial operations in the face of growing complexities. A recent study by the Journal of Accounting and Finance found that companies that outsource bookkeeping tasks experience a significant reduction in operational costs, with an average savings of 25% compared to maintaining in-house bookkeeping teams.   

As financial regulations and reporting requirements continue to grow, many businesses are recognizing the benefits of outsourcing bookkeepingto improve accuracy, ensure compliance, and redirect internal resources toward core competencies.   

This complete guide will explore the various aspects and costs associated with outsourcing bookkeeping in 2024, drawing insights from industry experts and case studies to provide a well-rounded perspective on this strategic business decision.  

Introduction to Outsourced Bookkeeping  

Bookkeeping is essential for managing a company's finances, as it includes recording, saving, and accessing financial transactions. For small businesses and CPA firms, outsourcing these tasks can provide access to specialized skills and advanced technologies without the burden of hiring and training in-house staff.  

How Much Does Outsourced Bookkeeping Cost?  

The cost to outsource bookkeeping for small businesses typically ranges from $500 to $8,000 per month, according to data from multiple sources. The exact price depends on several key factors:  

  • Revenue and transaction volume: Businesses with higher revenue and more transactions will pay more for bookkeeping services.  
  • Desired services: The scope of work, such as accounts payable/receivable, payroll, financial reporting, etc., will impact pricing.  
  • Industry: Some industries, like professional services or e-commerce, have more complex accounting needs, resulting in higher rates.  
  • Staffing method: Onshore bookkeeping teams cost more than offshore, and rates for experienced, certified bookkeepers range from $50-$100 per hour.  
  • Frequency of service: More frequent bookkeeping and reporting will increase costs.  
  • Complexity: Businesses with multiple entities, special revenue recognition needs, inventory management, etc., will pay higher rates due to the added complexity.  

In most cases, small businesses can expect to pay between $250-$2,000 per month for outsourced bookkeeping services. However, the cost can go up to $8,000+ per month for larger enterprises with more complex accounting needs. Outsourcing bookkeeping is often more cost-effective than hiring a full-time in-house bookkeeper.  

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Benefits of Outsourcing Bookkeeping  

1. Cost Savings  

One of the primary advantages of outsourcing bookkeeping is the significant cost savings. Businesses save on salaries, benefits, office space, and training expenses. By outsourcing, companies can access professional services at a fraction of the cost of maintaining an in-house department. Outsourcing can be particularly cost-effective due to lower labour costs in the provider's location and the removal of productivity losses associated with full-time employees.   

Information Source:     Five benefits of Outsourcing of Bookkeeping and Accounting  

2. Extra Time   

As business grows, managing financial tasks can become increasingly time-consuming. Outsourcing administrative tasks like bookkeeping allow business owners to focus their time, energy, and resources on strategic activities such as developing business strategies, generating revenue, and building customer relationships. This Shift in focus from bookkeeping to business development can lead to significant business growth.    

3. Expertise and Accuracy  

Outsourced bookkeeping services provide access to a team of professionals skilled in financial management. Expert bookkeeping firms are up-to-date with the latest accounting regulations and best practices, ensuring accuracy and compliance. Their experience minimizes the risk of errors and improves the reliability of financial reports. Additionally, outsourced service providers continuously improve their skills and qualifications to remain competitive, offering businesses access to high-level expertise at an affordable price.  

4. Scalability and Flexibility  

Outsourced bookkeeping services offer scalability, allowing businesses to adjust the level of service based on their needs. Whether experiencing rapid growth or seasonal fluctuations, outsourcing provides the flexibility to scale resources up or down without the challenges of hiring and training additional staff. This flexibility is particularly valuable for small businesses, start-ups, SEMs and entrepreneurs who may need consistent bookkeeping needs.  

5. Data Security and Confidentiality  

Reputable outsourcing bookkeeping providers implement strong security measures to protect financial data. With encryption, secure servers, and strict privacy policies, businesses can trust that external bookkeeping firms' sensitive information is handled with the utmost care and confidentiality. Ensuring data security is a crucial aspect of outsourcing bookkeeping services, as it involves handling confidential and financial information.  

6. Consulting  

Outsourcing bookkeeping firms also provides businesses with access to consulting services. Whether looking to expand the business or reduce expenses, having a reliable and experienced expert available can be incredibly beneficial. Outsourced bookkeeping providers can offer various financial plans and options to help companies achieve their goals, providing the advantage of professional guidance on a pay-as-you-go basis.  

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Factors Influencing the Cost of Outsourcing Bookkeeping  

Outsourcing bookkeeping can be a strategic move for businesses looking to improve efficiency, accuracy, and cost-effectiveness. However, the cost of outsourced bookkeeping services can vary widely depending on several factors. Understanding these factors is crucial for making informed decisions and selecting the most appropriate and cost-effective solution for business. Based on the information from various research papers and industry insights, here are the key factors that influence the cost of outsourcing bookkeeping:  

1. Volume of Transactions  

The number of financial transactions is one of the most significant factors influencing the cost of outsourced bookkeeping services. Businesses with higher transaction volumes require more time and effort from bookkeeping professionals, leading to higher costs. Services are typically priced based on the volume of transactions, including sales, purchases, expenses, and other financial movements within the business.   

Information Source:     Independent variables are factors that influence the company’s outsourcing accounting  

2. Specific Service Needs  

The scope of bookkeeping services required also impacts the cost. Basic bookkeeping services include transaction recording, financial statement preparation, and bank reconciliations. However, more complete packages that include payroll processing, tax preparation, financial reporting, and strategic financial planning will cost more. It's essential to define business-specific needs clearly to avoid overpaying for unnecessary services.     

3. Business Size and Complexity  

The size and complexity of a business play a crucial role in determining the cost of outsourcing bookkeeping services. Larger companies with more complex financial operations, multiple revenue streams, and complex accounting requirements will experience higher costs. In contrast, smaller businesses with straightforward financial activities may find more affordable solutions.  

4. Geographic Location  

The location of the outsourced bookkeeping service provider can significantly affect costs. Bookkeeping service vendors in regions with lower labor costs may offer more competitive rates than those in high-cost areas. Offshore providers often provide substantial cost savings, but businesses must balance these savings with considerations of quality and reliability.   

Information Source:      Independent variables are factors that influence the company’s outsourcing accounting  

5. Level of Expertise and Experience  

Bookkeepers with specialized skills, certifications, and vast experience typically charge higher rates. While level of expertise and experience can increase costs, the value provided by experienced professionals, such as improved accuracy and compliance with financial regulations, can justify the higher expense. Expertise in specific industries or familiarity with particular accounting software can also impact pricing.  

6. Frequency of Service  

The frequency with which bookkeeping services are required is another critical factor. Businesses may opt for hourly, monthly, or project-based services. Regular, ongoing services typically offer better rates compared to broken, one-off projects. More regular bookkeeping and reporting will naturally increase costs.   

7. Use of Technology and Tools  

The type of bookkeeping software and financial management tools used can influence costs. Advanced software can simplify bookkeeping processes and improve accuracy but may also increase expenses. The need for specific software subscriptions or learning new systems can add to the overall cost of outsourcing bookkeeping.  

8. Data Security  

Data security is a necessary concern for companies or businesses when they outsource bookkeeping services to offsite bookkeeping agencies. Ensuring that the contracted bookkeeping services provider has strong security measures in place to protect sensitive financial information can affect costs. High-quality providers with strong data security protocols may charge more for their bookkeeping services, but data security investment is essential for protecting your business's financial data.    

Information Source:      Five things to look for when Outsourcing  

9. Trust and Reliability  

The trustworthiness and reliability of the outsourced accounting provider can also impact costs. Building a relationship based on trust, transparency, and consistent performance can reduce the need for comprehensive oversight and control mechanisms, potentially lowering costs over time. Ensuring that the provider can deliver high-quality and consistent results is crucial for maintaining long-term cost-effectiveness.  

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Pricing Models for Outsourced Bookkeeping  

When considering outsourcing bookkeeping services, understanding the various pricing models is crucial. Different business consultancy providers offer various pricing structures, each with its advantages and considerations. Selecting the right model can significantly impact the cost-effectiveness and efficiency of the outsourced bookkeeping services. Here are the common pricing models for outsourced bookkeeping, explained in detail.  

1. Hourly Rates  


Many outsourced bookkeeping services providers charge by the hour, with rates typically ranging from $20 to $100 per hour, depending on the complexity of the work and the level of expertise required. The hourly rates model offers flexibility, allowing businesses to pay only for the time spent on their specific bookkeeping tasks.  


  • Flexibility: Hourly rates provide flexibility as businesses only pay for the actual hours worked.  
  • Transparency: Hourly Rates model offers transparency since businesses can track the time spent on each bookkeeping task and verify the accuracy of charges.  


  • Cost Uncertainty: Hourly rates can lead to cost uncertainty, as the total cost may vary depending on the time required to complete the tasks.  
  • Communication and Tracking: Effective communication and detailed task tracking are essential to ensure accurate billing and prevent unexpected expenses.  

2. Flat Fees  


Flat fees, also known as fixed fees, involve a decided cost for a set range of bookkeeping services. The price is agreed upon upfront, usually based on the expected volume and complexity of the work. Monthly fees for outsourced bookkeeping services typically range from $250 to $2,500.  


  • Predictability: Flat fees provide predictability, as businesses know the exact cost they will experience for the specified bookkeeping services.  
  • Budgeting: The flat Fees model allows for accurate budgeting without worrying about hourly fluctuations.  


  • Scope Limitations: Flat fees usually cover a predefined scope of bookkeeping services. Additional work outside the agreed-upon scope may bear extra charges.   
  • Scope Clarity: It is crucial to understand the services included in the flat fee to avoid misunderstandings or unexpected costs.  

3. Project-Based Pricing  


Project-based pricing is common for specific bookkeeping tasks like year-end reporting or tax preparation. Costs can vary widely, from $500 to $5,000, depending on the bookkeeping project's complexity and the financial management company's provider's expertise.  


  • Cost Control: Project-based pricing provides clear cost control for specific, well-defined tasks.  
  • Tailored Solutions: The bookkeeping project-based pricing model allows businesses to pay for particular projects without committing to ongoing services.  


  • One-Time Expense: While suitable for one-off tasks, the Project-Based Pricing model may need to be more cost-effective for ongoing bookkeeping needs.  
  • Scope Management: Defining the project scope clearly is essential to avoid additional charges.  

4. Hybrid Models  


Hybrid pricing combines elements of hourly rates and flat fees. Businesses might pay a fixed monthly payment for routine bookkeeping services, with additional tasks billed hourly. The hybrid model balances cost predictability and flexibility.  


  • Cost Predictability: The fixed monthly fee provides a predictable base cost.  
  • Flexibility: The hourly component allows for the accommodation of variable or ad-hoc requirements.  


  • Clear Agreements: Clear agreements and contracts are necessary to define the services covered by the fixed fee and the terms for additional work billed at hourly rates.  
  • Monitoring: Businesses need to monitor the additional tasks closely to ensure transparency in billing.  

5. Value-Based Pricing  


Value-based pricing determines the cost based on the perceived value delivered to the client rather than the time or tasks involved. The value-based pricing model focuses on outcomes and the benefits provided by the bookkeeping service from outsourced firms.  


  • Results-Oriented: Businesses pay for the actual value and outcomes achieved, ensuring a focus on performance.  
  • Strategic Partnership: This model fosters a collaborative and results-driven partnership between the business and the service provider.  


  • Value Definition: Defining and agreeing upon specific value metrics and outcomes is crucial for establishing a mutual understanding.  
  • Communication and Collaboration: Effective communication and collaboration are essential to align expectations and track progress toward value-based goals.  


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Typical Costs of Outsourced Bookkeeping  

1. For Small Businesses  

Small businesses generally spend between $250 and $2,000 per month on outsourced bookkeeping services. The cost varies based on transaction volume, complexity, and the range of services required. Basic services may cost as little as $250 per month, while more comprehensive packages can reach up to $2,000 per month.  

2. For CPA Firms  

CPA firms may incur higher costs, ranging from $500 to $5,000 per month, depending on the firm's size and complexity. Outsourcing allows CPA firms to focus on high-value tasks while leveraging the expertise of professional bookkeepers for routine financial management.  

3. Cost Comparison: In-House vs. Outsourced  

Hiring an in-house bookkeeper can cost around $42,000 annually, excluding benefits, office space, and training expenses. In contrast, outsourcing bookkeeping can provide similar or better services at a lower cost. For example, an outsourced bookkeeper at $60 per hour for 10 hours per month costs $7,200 annually, offering significant savings.  

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Steps to Outsource Your Bookkeeping  

1. Assess Your Needs  

Evaluate your business's bookkeeping requirements, including transaction volume, complexity, and the range of services needed. This assessment helps determine the most suitable outsourcing solution.  

2. Research Providers  

Research potential bookkeeping service providers, considering factors like expertise, reputation, pricing, and technology used. Look for providers with experience in your industry and positive client reviews.  

3. Request Proposals  

Request proposals from multiple providers to compare services and costs. Ensure the proposals include detailed information about the scope of services, pricing models, and any additional fees.  

4. Evaluate Proposals  

Evaluate the proposals based on cost, service quality, and the provider's ability to meet your specific needs. Consider the provider's expertise, technology, and security measures.  

5. Select a Provider  

Choose the provider that offers the best value and aligns with your business's needs and culture. Ensure clear communication and establish a detailed contract outlining the scope of services, pricing, and expectations.  

6. Implement the Transition  

Work with the chosen provider to transition bookkeeping tasks smoothly. Provide necessary information and access to financial systems, and establish clear communication channels.  

7. Monitor Performance  

Regularly review the performance of the outsourced bookkeeping services to ensure accuracy, efficiency, and compliance. Maintain open communication with the provider to address any issues promptly.  

Final Thoughts

Outsourcing bookkeeping can provide significant benefits for businesses of all sizes, including cost savings, expertise, accuracy, and scalability. By understanding the factors influencing costs and selecting the right pricing model, businesses can find an outsourcing solution that meets their needs and budget. Whether you're a small business or a CPA firm, outsourcing bookkeeping can help you focus on core competencies and drive growth.  

Investing in professional bookkeeping services is not just an expense but a strategic move to enhance financial management and support long-term success. Choose a reliable provider, establish clear expectations, and monitor performance to maximize the benefits of outsourced bookkeeping.  

